Salisbury Burn Unit
Salisbury District Hospital Burns Unit. Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
The Burns Unit in Salisbury serves a population of approximately 3.5 million comprising Wiltshire, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Dorset and the Channel Islands.
The Burns Unit was completed in 2006 and is purpose built with 12 adult beds (1 HDU, 9 single and 2 double rooms) and 5 paediatric beds (2 adolescent/adult beds). It is located opposite the Plastics Ward, ITU and main theatres. Burns Theatre is on the Unit.
The Unit continues to see many minor burns (94%) and few major burns. The proportion of adults attending has increased impacting on workload and length of stay. Paediatric admissions remain fairly consistent with 87% being under 5 years and the majority admitted with scalds.
Alongside the inpatient service 6 dressings clinics are held per week (4 adult, 2 paediatric) and a scar management clinic twice a month.

Salisbury Burns Unit
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Level 4
Salisbury District Hospital
Wiltshire SP2 8BJ
Switch: 01722 336262
All clinics are held on the Burns Unit allowing access to the multi-disciplinary team. There is a Paediatric Outreach Nurse who sees children and families at home and leads an education programme for community colleagues.
Tele-referrals must be made via the MDSAS Burn Tele-referral system and any injury images or additional documents can be uploaded via the SID-Secure Image Data App. Referrers must also phone the Burn Service once the referral has been submitted. Please see full instructions and guidance via:
100124 MDSAS How to refer - Telemedicine - Salisbury - Adults V3.pdf
Further information about tele-medicine system can be found on the Tele-referral page.
For more information visit